Building your Hi-Fi system: interview with Olivier, employee of

Olivier,’s logistics manager, shares his secrets about building your own audiophile system.
– What does your current Hi-Fi system consist of?
I currently own a RPM10 Carbon vinyl turntable from Pro-Ject, which has a Cadenza Blue MC cartridge from Ortofon. The turntable is connected to the Pro-Ject Box RS phono preamplifier with a Transparent phono cable. My speakers are Sonus Faber Toy Tower, driven by an Atoll IN100 amplifier.
– What guided you in your choices?
For the vinyl turntable, I was primarily drawn by the water drop design. The carbon finish and heavy aluminium platter give it an outstanding look! Paired with Ortofon’s Cadenza Blue cartridge, the sound reproduction is very neutral, full-bodied and vibrant. I also love the timbre definition and quality. I chose the amplifier because it makes a perfect match with the speakers. I wanted something simple, with a good build quality, reliable… efficient! And I’m very happy with the end result!
– What were the main steps of the building process?
I have already upgraded my Hi-Fi system several times. Each time, I was aiming for more realism, with a great sound at a low volume. For the turntable, I have always remained loyal to the RPM line from Pro-Ject. I started off with an RPM 5.1 and then went on to an RPM 9.1 Acryl. I recently opted for the RPM 10 Carbon. I have always been fond of the technology and design of these turntables. I’m also loyal to Ortofon for my Hi-Fi cartridges. I started off with a 2M Blue. I then upgraded once with a 2M Black, before changing over to a moving coil model, the Cadenza Blue. And finally, before the Atoll, I had a Cambridge Audio Azur 351 amp that drove small Sonus Faber Toy Speaker speakers.
– What type of sound are you looking for?
In terms of musical style, I’m quite eclectic: from Jazz to pop, along with classical and rock. And with all the different musical styles, my current system delivers a very vibrant and ‘live’ reproduction, without causing any auditory fatigue.
– Do you plan to upgrade your system any further?
Though I’m quite happy with the sound as it is, I intend to upgrade my amplifier soon. I already have a few ideas, I just have to decide… I’m spoilt for choice, really!
– Why did you opt for analogue?
A vinyl turntable has a more natural and more communicative sound reproduction than a FLAC file! The soundstage is much wider than with any other source and the presence is beyond compare. And you have to admit that having the vinyl turntable spinning with the record sleeves out makes drinks with friends more fun and fuels our conversations about music…