Setting up a Hi-Fi system: interview with Charlène, employee of

Charlène,’s marketing manager, tells us about her Hi-Fi system.
– What does your current Hi-Fi system consist of?
I currently own a Pro-Ject Anniversary vinyl turntable. It is a limited edition that was made in celebration of the brand’s 20th anniversary. I currently use it with an Ortofon 2M Blue cartridge. My phono preamp is a Tube Box S, also by Pro-Ject. My amp is a Cambridge Audio Amp and the speakers are Sonus Faber.
– What guided you in your choices?
For the vinyl turntable I did not have much of a choice because it was a present from Franck and Jérôme when I was still an intern =). As for my speakers, it’s really simple: I love the understated design of these Toy Speakers. The sonic performance is of course paramount and the Sonus Faber are very musical and have great dynamics and detail. I fell for them when I heard them in the auditorium during a demo. The choice of phono stage was also determined by a sonic performance with excellent timbre with a great soundstage. Tube preamps have this warmth and are also very pleasant to look at.
– What were the main steps of the building process?
That was quite an adventure! When I got my vinyl turntable, I was still a student and it was hard to invest in a complete Hi-Fi system to be able to fully enjoy it. So with Franck, we found a cost-effective and temporary solution so I could listen to my records. So I bought the small MM/DC phono preamp by Pro-Ject and Franck tweeked it up so that I could directly connect my computer speakers! Of course, the result was not great, but I was still happy with it. When I graduated, I splashed out on a decent amp and speakers. The cartridge came next (you know when it begins but you never know where it will end). I soon realized that the phono preamp was not at all suited to the new gear. The sound was restrained. When I was eventually able to replace Pro-Ject’s small MM/DC with the Tube Box S, it changed everything.
– What type of sound are you looking for?
My system has a very dynamic and broad sound that focuses rather on the timbre than on definition. As I mainly listen to pop-rock, Rhythm’n Blues and a bit of Jazz, it was what I was looking for: musical playback quality rather than clinical precision. The sound reproduction is also really warm, as very neutral.
– Do you plan to upgrade your system any further?
Yes, of course! The weakest link in my system is my amp, I’ll probably change it in a few months’ time to get the full potential of my speakers. I’ve also got my heart set on Benz Micro cartridges because of their sonic performance that favours musicality and dynamics. I don’t think I’ll be able to resist much longer…