Building your Hi-Fi system: interview with Jérôme, co-founder of

Jérôme, co-founder of and a great lover of music and High-Fidelity passionately told us about his audiophile system, from the early days to currently.
What does your Hi-Fi system consist of?
I have Sonus Faber Olympica II speakers, Transparent speaker and interconnect cables, a Furutech AG12 phono cable. My amp is an integrated Audio Research VSI 75 model. I have an Audio Nuwave PS DAC, a Pro-Ject Streambox DS Net network player, a Naim Audio CD player. My phono preamp is Sutherland’s 2020. Finally, I have a Pro-Ject Signature 12 vinyl turntable, and my cartridge is Ortofon’s Cadenza Black.
What guided you in your choices?
I think it was initially the need for transparency and quality in terms of sound reproduction. My prime concern in regards to music is emotion. I don’t listen to the equipment itself, I’m after the emotion that music can generate. I want presence, I want something to happen! I have a very varied musical taste… It spans from classical to indie rock, via metal, jazz, hip hop and electro music. I can experience this because I have a neutral and great quality system.
Tell us more about the sound quality you want.
What I really appreciate is the presence and realism of the sound reproduction. It feels like being in a live show, between the instruments and vocals. What I like most is the analogue sound, which makes playback warm and soft. If you’ve been to a classical music concert, then you’ll know what enveloping and cotton-like feeling I’m talking about…
How did you start your upgrade process?
Hi-Fi was a childhood dream of mine. I had a Hi-Fi system from a young age, and I bought my first real system with my first wages. At the time, I had Cambridge and Davis Acoustic speakers. I then moved into my own place and took the time to pick the cables of my stereo (etc…) very carefully. The main step in building my system was the amp. I switched from a Prima Luna tube amp, which was a great jump. When I met Franck, I started replacing my vinyl turntable, my CD player and various other elements… I don’t have any of the original equipment left!
Do you plan to upgrade your system any further?
I wouldn’t want to jeopardise my marriage (laughter)! On a more serious note, I don’t think I’ll upgrade much more than this… If I did have to consider it, I would opt for a new cartridge (mine is getting worn…), as well as the phono cable and phono preamp…but that’s all.