In June 2016, maPlatine.com was lucky enough to be invited to visit REGA‘s electronics factory and take a behind-the-scenes look at the products sold by this world-renowned High Fidelity brand. From CD players to amplifiers, we were able to observe the different manufacturing processes at work.
Rega’s Hi-Fi product stock
As soon as you step foot inside the factory, it’s impossible to miss the vast stocks of Rega Hi-Fi products!
Electronics production
During our tour, we dropped into the workshop where Rega builds its amplifiers. We saw how they are assembled and tested by skilled in-house technicians. All of the brand’s electronics products are assembled by hand in the Rega factories. Following their huge success as a company, Rega has implemented extremely rigorous processes in order to meet increased demand from the market. You might be interested to hear that each product is built start to finish by one person only and employees follow highly precise technical specifications to assemble that product. The result of this is that Rega technicians are extremely versatile, as their working day may consist of assembling Rega Elex-R amplifiers in the morning and moving on to a Rega Brio-R amplifier in the afternoon, for example. However, there are certain employees with very specific technical expertise who work in one area only and are considered an authority in this field. Post-assembly, all Rega products must, without exception, undergo a stress test, which lasts for 24 hours. The aim of this test is to push the Hi-Fi device to its upper limits to ensure that it has been perfectly assembled and that it conforms to standards.
After-sales service in Rega factories
In order to provide an excellent after-sales service, Rega keeps a healthy stock of all of its components so that broken parts can be easily replaced. This stock is very important as it means the company can deliver an after-sales service for all of its products, even those dating back several years! This in turn means that Rega customers can rest assured that their products can always be repaired, even if certain models have been discontinued. Thanks again to Roy Gandy, founder of Rega, and Guy Boselli, French Sound & Colours importer, for the tour and your hospitality!
Don’t forget to check out our first blog article on this Rega factory tour: Rega’s manufacturing processes for turntables and cartridges.