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New Audio Technica products to discover

Nouveaux produits de la marque Audio Technica

Since the end of 2018, the brand Audio Technica offers new products that you can now find in our catalogue!
The Japanese manufacturer has developed new MM and DJ cartridges models, as well as some new turntable accessories.



A new range of Audio Technica MM cartridges

After many years of good and loyal services, Audio Technica decided to renew its range of entre level MM cartridges. The manufacturer offers now a new series called VM95!

This new VM95 range is composed of 6 models: AT-VM95C, AT-VM95E, AT-VM95EN, AT-VM95ML, AT-VM95SH and AT-VM95SP. They are all composed of the same generator, a simple copper coil.


Audio Technica AT-VM95E MM cartridge

What differentiates them from each other is the stylus of which they are equipped with, identifiable by means of a color code. According to the stylus profile used, the restitution quality is different: more or less precision, nuance or even softness. And some models are more suitable for entry-level turntables, while others may fit into mid-range vinyl turntable.


Audio Technica AT-VM95ML MM cartridge

And, obviously, Audio Technica proposes replacement stylus for these 6 VM95 models. You will be able to upgrade your Audio-Technica cartridge by equipping it with a stylus from a superior range, to improve your restitution at a low cost!

By taking into account these few points, you just have to make a choice among this VM95 range!



A new Audio Technica DJ cartridges range

Apart from these new MM cartridges, the Japanese manufacturer also decided to offer a brand new cartridges range for DJ use. This one is composed of 2 models, AT-XP5 and AT-XP7, that receive a dual magnet generator.

As for its VM95 range, Audio-Technica differentiates these 2 DJ models thanks to their stylus and the color code used for each of them. Replacement stylus are also available.


Audio Technica AT-XP7 DJ cartridge

These DJ cartridges offer a very good sound quality and will delight the most demanding DJs!



New Audio Technica accessories

With its new accessories, Audio Technica offers you possibilities to upgrade your turntable or even maintain your stylus. For an optimal use of your equipment!


Audio Technica AT6006R automatic tonearm lifter

Even if the manual turntable remains the best choice according to us, you find it inconvenient to have to manually lift the tonearm at the end of the vinyl playback? The Japanese manufacturer thought about you!

With this AT6006R automatic tonearm lifter, your tonearm will lift itself up at the end of the face. Know that it is compatible with various turntable tonearms, thanks to spacers of different heights. A very performing product that will offer you a significant listening comfort!


Audio Technica AT6006R automatic tonearm lifter



After the AT 607 cleaning liquid, Audio Technica proposes a new kind of cleaning products for stylus with its AT617a product.

Indeed, this new Audio Technica cleaning product is a polyurethane gel, in which we simply place the needle of the stylus to clean it. In just few second, all the impurities are removed from the stylus. A small accessory, fast and effective!


Audio Technica AT617a stylus cleaner



If you want to check the rotation speed of your platter, this Audio Technica AT6181DL kit could be useful for you! Indeed, this kit is composed of all the necessary, i.e. a pulsed light and a stroboscopic disc.

These tools can measure speeds of 33, 45 and even 78 rpm. Very easy to use, just place the record in the central axis of the platter of your turntable and point the small light source towards it. Precision guaranteed!


Audio Technica AT6181DL stroboscopic disc and light source


For all those who are looking for quality products at a low cost, these new products from Audio Technica are a very good choice!