Today, we have the pleasure to announce the arrival of Denon on maPlatine.com, the Hi-Fi iconic brand as it has been for decades! Indeed, you can now find a hand-picked selection of Denon Hi-Fi devices in order to always offer you the best products.
About Denon
The Denon brand is born in 1910 with the production of cylindrical audio support and the first players able to play them. Besides their century of experience, they managed to expand their offering through the years: from the moving coil cartridge to the disc recorder, without forgetting of course the professional and mass-market Hi-Fi devices (amplifiers, turntables, Hi-Fi speakers…)
Denon is now, or rather has been for several years part of the most known and recognised names in the High-Fidelity and audio world. A sound investment for quality audio enthusiasts!
Denon amplifiers
The Japanese manufacturer Denon is known for their audio equipment, and above all for their amplifiers. On maPlatine.com, we prepared a small selection of Denon amplifiers just for you.
First of all, we can find the Denon aesthetic codes on both integrated amplifiers with the typical design from previous audio devices, a design which remains timeless! The manufacture is flawless whether you choose the entry level with the PMA-600NE amplifier or the higher range with the PMA-1600NE .
Both Denon amplifiers offer everything we need for a nice audio playback: analogue inputs, an MM phono input (and even MC compatible for the PMA-1600NE!), digital inputs, a headphone jack and also an “Analogue” mode to optimise the analogue signal!
Regarding the listening, we were stunned by these PMA-600NE and PMA-1600NE amplifiers. Despite its rather modest power, the first one perfectly manages to make bookshelf speakers sound beautiful like the Monitor Audio Bronze 50 . The second one is even better in terms of Hi-Fi speakers pairing. These Denon amplifiers offer a defined and transparent reproduction. Within their own range, these Denon PMA-600NE and PMA-1600NE amplifiers are excellent choices based upon their delivery and performances!
Despite existing for more than a century, Denon moves with the times by offering a connected and audiophile device with its DRA-800H amplifier. This multitasking amplifier enables to listen to vinyl records thanks to its integrated MM phono input as well as digital music with its HEOS streaming app and even radio. It is also able to connect to a 4K TV and audio-video sources. A true Swiss Army knife!
As you can already imagine, the Denon DRA-800H proposes a variety of possibilities, as well as offering performances perfectly worthy of such a product from this range: transparency, clarity, balance, versatility… If you’re searching for a complete solution, this Denon DRA-800H streaming amplifier should be perfect for you! A favourite.
Denon audio sources
Aside from the amplifiers, Denon also offers quality audio sources for your vinyl records playback as well as your CDs. We now propose you a model of Denon turntable and a CD player from the Japanese manufacturer. These are perfect choices for limited finances!
With its DP-400 model, Denon proposes a “small” turntable for music lovers seeking a simple but reliable product, while remaining at a reasonable budget. This Denon DP-400 turntable offers several functions: three playback speeds (33, 45 et 78 rpm), an integrated phono amplifier or a switch allowing to make this turntable semi-automatic.
The reproduction we get with this vinyl player perfectly meets the expectations we can have on this type of product, with a certain fluidity and beautiful softness. It can do even a better job by changing the standard MM cartridge for a well-renowned model, the Ortofon 2M Red MM cartridge. An excellent choice to start in the vinyl world!
Despite the vinyl comeback we mention a lot in recent years at the expense of the CD, Denon does not abandon the lovers form this latter audio support.
With this DCD-600NE CD player, the Japanese manufacturer proposes an affordable product with still uncompromising manufacture and performances. In fact, this quality can be felt when heard with a beautiful dynamic range and a stunning soundstage. It’s worth noting that listening remains pleasant even after hours and hours of playback. A CD player which will perfectly fit in a small Hi-Fi system!
Even though the famous brand Denon has been making fans for decades, they are very likely to continue on this trend with these quality and affordable Hi-Fi products! At any rate, it’s the case with maPlatine.com.