Great news, the brand Bowers & Wilkins is coming on our website, to our delight! For several decades, the British brand B&W is globally known for its high quality Hi-Fi speakers, all ranges and prices included. We are happy to offer today the B&W 600 Series speakers range on our website!
The B&W 607 bookshelf speaker is the very first model on the 600 Series range. These monitor speakers are very well manufactured and will be perfectly placed in quite small listening rooms. Regarding to the restitution, it is surprising! These B&W 607 give a very natural and balanced sound. B&W Hi-Fi speakers at this price and of this quality, we can only be fan!
The B&W 606 speaker is second bookshelf speaker of the 600 Series range. As its little sister the 607 model, this one has a simple and understated design. These B&W 606 go even more further in terms of restitution. They offer a realistic, precise and still very well balanced sound. The sound will be even more improved by equipping this pair of speakers with the dedicated speaker stands!
If you are looking for “small” high quality Hi-Fi speakers to be placed in a room of about 20 m², these B&W 606 speakers are the perfect option!
This B&W 603 Hi-Fi speaker is the only tower speaker on this range, and profits of all the know-how of the manufacturer! Thanks to its 4 high quality speakers, this B&W speaker is very performing and offers a remarkable restitution: details, realism, presence… To summarize, it is some Bowers & Wilkins as we used to love, as much for the design as for the sound! Hard to resist at this price range!
At maPlatine.com, we have known the brand B&W for many years, and that is a great pleasure for us to make you discover these beautiful products! References for several music lovers 🙂