Like we always say, cleaning properly the vinyl records is essential to ensure the best listening quality. For this reason, we offer on maPlatine.com a large range of vinyl cleaning products. And today, we improve our selection with the addition of Degritter and its high quality record cleaning machine!
About Degritter
Degritter is a young Estonian brand founded in 2015. They specialised in the cleaning of vinyl records, wishing to create a cleaning machine combining performances, manufacture quality, simple design and easy to use.

After an intense work of research and testing, Degritter successfully met their goal and launched its record cleaning machine with ultrasonic cleaning! It is now undoubtedly popular among vinyl collectors.
The Degritter RCM record cleaning machine
Right out of the box, we can see that the Degritter record cleaning machine is different from other models present on the market. Its design is simple, minimalist and stylish. The Estonian manufacturer wished to offer a product that could be placed beside a Hi-Fi system, without seeming out of place or being too cumbersome. Well, it’s the case!

Regarding the cleaning process, not only is it rather simple to use, it is also very effective! On one hand, it’s due to the conception of an ultrasonic technology, developed directly by Degritter. On the other hand, it’s thanks to a specific filtering allowing to remove every small particle and filth located in the water during the cleaning. Once the vinyl record is through the Degritter RCM cleaning machine, it comes out shining, without any filth deteriorating the listening. A cleaning “accessory” which proves essential fast to the great vinyl collectors!

Accessories for the Degritter RCM record cleaning machine
In order to pair its record cleaning machine and adapt to everyone, Degritter obviously created at the same time some accessories which seem vital.
If you have other record formats than classic 33 rpm, Degritter offers 7” adapters (Go to the 7” adapter for Degritter RCM record cleaning machine page for more information) or for 25 cm/10” records. This way, all your vinyl records will pass through Degritter products only and benefit from a quality clean in the Degritter cleaning machine.

The maintenance of the cleaning machine is also essential to make it last for a long time. To do so, Degritter offers accessories like the cleaning solution and the pack of 5 filters, allowing to replace from time to time those present in the cleaning machine, and therefore ensure a time efficient cleaning process!
It’s true that this Degritter record cleaning machine is expensive for a lot of people, but its quality-price-performance ratio and the technology developed is really worth the investment! A great success for this young Estonian brand.