Since the beginning of 2020, we have been spoiled with the arrival of new Hi-Fi products on maPlatine.com: Fyne Audio, Viard Audio, ready-to-listen packages, Sonus Faber Sonetto range… And it is not finished yet! New products by Musical Fidelity are now available on our website.
Musical Fidelity phono preamplifiers
No less than four Musical Fidelity phono preamps are now available (or come back) on our website! There is something for every budget.
The Musical Fidelity V90-LPS phono preamp is finally back on maPlatine.com! With this phono element, Musical Fidelity offers a quality and very-well designed product, at an affordable price. For less than 200€, you have a phono preamplifiers that reproduces a neutral, alive and precise sound!
The Musical Fidelity LX2-LPS phono preamp is compatible for both MC and MM cartridges. We find all Musical Fidelity’s characteristics in this phono stage. The restitution is both precise and detailed, and truly realistic. At this price, the LX2-LPS is certainly unrivalled!
In a higher range, you can find now the Musical Fidelity MX-VYNL phono preamp on our website. This model is fully symmetrical and designed to be associated with high-end turntables and phono cartridges. The listening of this MX-VYNL has several advantages: details, precision, dynamics… As proof, this product has been rewarded by What Hi-Fi for its qualities!
With this M6 Vinyl phono preamp, Musical Fidelity clearly demonstrates high-end ambitions. And we must admit: it is successful. We have been seduced by its clean design, imposing dimensions, and of course its beautiful musicality. We are not the only ones since the specialized press such as Hi-Fi Choice and Stereoplay rewarded this product…At this price, the M6 Vinyl is one of our references!
The Musical Fidelity M3 Si integrated amplifier
Few months ago, we placed the Musical Fidelity M2 Si integrated amp in our top 5 integrated amps at less than 1 000€. So today, we welcome its big brother, the Musical Fidelity M3 Si integrated amplifier!
From the outside, the Musical FIdelity M3 Si is very similar to the M2 Si, still with beautiful manufacturing quality. Technically, the M3 Si goes even further, it can be easily associated to several Hi-Fi speakers available on the market, even the most difficult ones. At this price, the sound restitution is just crazy! A success!
The Musical Fidelity M3 Scd CD player
The Musical Fidelity M3 Scd CD player is a Hi-Fi device that combines features and quality, at a very reasonable price regarding to its characteristics. This CD player allows you to connect external digital devices, which is pretty rare among this price range. In terms of restitution, the M3 Scd completely meets the expectations that we could have for this kind of product: refinement, richness, subtlety … A real surprise!
Furthermore, if you want to create a qualitative and coherent system, know that this CD player can be perfectly associated to the M3 Si integrated amp by Musical Fidelity.
Once again, amazing new products has arrived on maPlatine.com, and we are pleased to introduce!