In recent years, the revival of the vinyl record in the music industry has become quite noticeable. maPlatine.com has compiled a few articles about the revival of records in 2014, explaining how 9 million records were sold worldwide. What prompted the comeback of vinyl records? It could only be a passing trend. But firms that design vinyl turntables and related accessories, such as Pro-Ject or Ortofon, have different views on the matter. They believe that ‘audiophiles will always love the warm and soft sound of a record‘.
But why are records selling so well?
With a vinyl turntable, you cannot stream music like on a computer or an mp3 player. Records reflect the sacred character of the act of listening to music, inviting the listener to take their time. They have thus become the symbol of a reaction against modern culture, which is precisely what appeals to the younger generation. Other reasons also come into play, like the musical style that currently rules supreme over the LP market. Rock rules because it is the genre historically associated with vinyl records. Browse our Records of the month section and you will notice that most artists belong to the same musical genre. The second style close behind rock is electro music, because DJs have helped records to survive. The sleeves also help to boost record sales as they are at the heart of the LP creative process. But nobody will be able to offer better advice than your local record dealer: you will find they will offer valuable advice if you’re no expert! In fact, maPlatine.com recently talked with two of their favourite record shop managers: La Face Cachée and Chez Emile Records.
What is the situation with the supply?
As expected, the demand is much superior to the supply! Everyone wants records, but manufacturers are overwhelmed and they cannot cope because they do not have suitable facilities. Some small independent labels are even starting their own business and are setting up their own record pressing plant! There are also young businessmen who are venturing into record production, like these two young men, Antoine Ollivier and Mickaël Collet, who set up shop (M com’Musique) not far from maPlatine.com! And there again, the supply cannot cater to the demand because most vinyl record manufacturers are already fully booked a year ahead! The reason for this overdose is quite simple: the vinyl records that are made nowadays are the same as those that came out 50 years ago. The machines are the same, because making new ones would not be profitable. In the old days, a small order would amount to 10,000 copies. Nowadays, a standard order includes 500 records. For all the above reasons, the vinyl record market has reached a bottleneck that is overwhelming manufacturing plants and leading to very long production lead times. Some vinyl turntable manufacturers had foreseen the revival of the LP and firms like Rega, Pro-Ject and Music Hall have developed affordable record players for the new generation of audiophiles venturing into the analogue realm. We actually have a selection of entry-level turntables that you can read about here.
Are vinyl records and new technology compatible?
Although vinyl records symbolise vintage and are a valuable object, especially when they are only released to 500 copies, most sleeves now come with an mp3 code to download the album online and sometimes even a CD. We have to move with the times. Some artists actually combine vinyl records with new technology. DJ QBert released a very exclusive collector’s LP (all copies were pre-sold) for his album Extraterrestria/Galaxxxian that has an interactive sleeve. It turns into a mixer. All you need is a smartphone and a Bluetooth connection! One of our top picks! There is also a machine called the Desktop Record Cutter that is none other than a DIY record cutter! For only $6,750 (the industrial equivalent costs about $50,000 and they are selling like hot cakes with record pressing firms), you can buy your very own record pressing machine. You won’t have to wait for 5 months to get a record, you can get it directly in your living room with this machine that has the size of a vinyl turntable! There is fierce competition among manufacturers to develop the most cutting-edge model. It only takes a look at the design of some vinyl turntables to understand that they are high-tech products (integrated Speed Box , 3D tonearm, etc.). Vinyl records are definitely modern objects that have adapted to our era. So the future of vinyl records is still bright!
Browse the articles on the subject:
Tsugi.fr: http://www.tsugi.fr/news/ Francemusique.fr: http://www.francemusique.fr/emission/la-chronique-musique-pop/ Focus.levif.be: http://focus.levif.be/culture/musique/l Rue89: http://rue89.nouvelobs.com/rue89-culture/ Slate.fr: http://www.slate.fr/story/