Founded in 1965, the Japanese manufacturer Technics is a reference in the High Fidelity market. Since the 70s, the brand is known and famous for its famous SL-1200 turntable, that is still successful today. However, did you know that Technics also offers Hi-Fi electronics?
On maPlatine.com, apart from Technics turntables, you can now find an integrated amplifier by the Japanese manufacturer, the SU-G700.
Technics SU-G700: high quality technology
First, let’s look at the outside of this integrated amp, that is just perfect. We already see that this is a robust product, stable and highly stiff! This should reduce vibrations and other noises when listening. There is also a beautiful aluminium facade, with a large window composed of two magnificent Vu-meters, and we are conquered!
And if we take a closer look at the interior and features of this Technics SU-G700, we are definitely seduced that this amplifier has everything to please! We find all the know-how of the Japanese manufacturer: power, nice phono input, components and high quality technology.
Technics SU-G700: audiophile restitution
All the technology used in this SU-G700 amplifier is there and we feel it! We particularly appreciate the neutrality and realism of the sound. No auditive embarrassment, even after several years of listening. This Technics integrated amplifier offers very high-end performances, as well as a beautiful musicality. As proof, the famous magazine “Diapason” rewarded it with the “Diapason d’Or” for its audiophile performance!
To us, this Technics SU-G700 integrated amp perfectly demonstrates that the Japanese brand is not only a turntable manufacturer, but also high-quality Hi-Fi products! A great success 🙂