After amazing feedback for the 3rd edition of our catalogue, we are pleased to show you the 4th edition.
The 4th edition of the maPlatine.com catalogue
In this new edition, you will find even more products and advice than in the previous editions.
You will of course find our flagship products, dedicated to the turntable and its accessories. However, the big new thing in this 4th edition of the catalogue is the arrival of a category dedicated to High Fidelity! Discover in more details our offers of Hi-Fi speakers, amplifiers, etc.
You also have the possibility to discover interviews exclusively made for maPlatine.com such as the interview with Roy Gandy from the brand Rega or Albert Lukascheck from the brand Benz Micro.
Discover the 4th edition of the maPlatine.com catalogue
You wish to discover our new catalogue? It is possible by clicking here on part 1, part 2, and part 3.
We hope that the 4th edition of the maPlatine.com catalogue will please you. We wish you a pleasant reading! 🙂